Calendar | FGE
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concerts and events

Please read carefully the terms and conditions regarding the purchase of tickets through the "George Enescu" Philharmonic institution before making the reservations and related payments.

Attention: Children under the age of 7 are NOT ALLOWED in the concert halls.

Anunț important :
Concertele din datele de miercuri 26 iunie si joi 27 iunie a.c. au fost alocate si acestea abonaților
noștri astfel: 26.06 – pentru abonaţii de vineri si 27.06 pentru abonaţii de joi.
Abonații care au plătit în numerar abonamentul lunii iunie a.c. (3 concerte) si doresc sa participe la
concerte din 26 şi 27 iunie 2024 sunt rugați sa se prezinte la casieria instituţiei pentru a achita costul
celui de-al 4-lea concert.
Ne cerem scuze pentru situația creata.

FILARMONICA "GEORGE ENESCU" with headquarters in Bucharest, sector 1, str. Benjamin Franklin, no. 1-3, is a personal data operator according to Regulation 679/2016EU. The purpose pursued by the Data Operator regarding the processing of personal data is to ensure the purchase of tickets and/or subscriptions, by interested persons, for the concerts organized by the "GEORGE ENESCU" FILARMONICA. The data processed by the Operator are the following: name, surname – for nominal issuance of subscriptions; telephone number – to inform the viewer about any changes that may occur in the concert schedule; e-mail address - for sending tickets and/or subscriptions in digital format and for newsletter information. The collected data will be kept for a period proportional to the purposes for which they were collected. This information can be transferred to the Operator's representatives in order to ensure the proper functioning of the site. In the case of purchasing tickets online, please also consult the GDPR policy of the payment processor with whom we have a contract ( According to the GDPR you have the following rights: deletion, rectification, access, portability, restriction of personal data. This consent may be withdrawn at any time by written notice. Those who wish can make a complaint to the ANSPDCP if they believe that their rights have been violated. 

The data protection officer can be contacted        

Filarmonica "George Enescu"

București, Str. Benjamin Franklin nr.1-3, sector 1

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