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Asking for informations

The person responsible for Law no. 544/2001 from the "George Enescu" Philharmonic:
mrs. Consuella Haraga

Request for information of public interest

"George Enescu" Philharmonic

Va informam ca in conformitate cu Art.1 - O.M.C. nr.2793/27.03.2023, Art.1 - O.M.C. nr.3261 / 16.08.2022, Art.9 - Legea nr.544 / 2001  si  Art.18 - Legea nr.123 / 2002, in cazul in care se vor solicita xerocopii ale unor documente privind informatii de interes public, taxa este de 1,5 lei / pagina.

Modalitati de achitare :

- in numerar la caserie, de luni pana vineri in intervalul orar 13.00 - 15.00 ;

- ordin de plata in contul RO09 TREZ 7012 0G36 5000 XXXX deschis la Trezoreria Sector 1 Bucuresti.

Vă mulțumim! Cererea dvs a fost trimisă.

If you want to dispute the response received to your request for information of public interest, you can send an administrative complaint to the email address:

List of documents of public interest and
the list of documents produced/managed by the institution

Evaluation report on the implementation of Law no. 544/2001

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